The prospect of opening a new business or relocating a current one can be intimidating. Below is some information that may assist if you are considering purchasing or leasing space within the Downtown Mooresville district.
Our network of business owners is also an excellent resource for advice and helpful hints; we encourage you to join one of our monthly Mooresville Downtown Commission Board Meetings to make acquaintances and hear our efforts first-hand.
The Mooresville Downtown Commission (MDC) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization that exists to provide leadership dedicated to the improvement of the Downtown Mooresville district.
Formed in 1987, the MDC facilitates downtown development, creates promotions, plans and implements events, supports preservation and serves as a clearing house of downtown information. We strive to enhance the appearance, desirability, and vitality of this very important economic and social center.
The district is funded in part by a Municipal Service District (MSD) that encompasses approximately 24 acres. The MSD was created in the late 1980’s and the property owners in this district pay an additional property tax.

Being located within the Downtown Mooresville Municipal Service District has many benefits, including advocacy, guidance, and marketing efforts from the MDC, support from fellow business owners, and advantages such as being in an official Main Street community. The MDC strives to provide innovative ideas to assist our entrepreneurs - from sustaining a strong digital presence to advocating at the local or state level on topics that may negatively affect our businesses, to maintaining a steady stream of information about the current and future projects that will impact our businesses, historic tax credits, and even providing monetary support in partnership with the Town of Mooresville via grant monies for new and developing projects. Qualifying businesses or property owners may be eligible for these grants allocated through the Mooresville Downtown Commission. Details and application can be found HERE.

BIG EXCITING NEWS!!! Downtown Mooresville has been chosen as the host community for the 2025 North Carolina Main Street Conference. The three-day conference, held annually in March, is organized by the NC Department of Commerce and its NC Main Street and Rural Planning Center and is the largest statewide downtown revitalization conference in the country.
Attracting over 750 attendees, the conference features an array of speakers, events, breakout sessions, and educational opportunities focused on building stronger downtown communities through preservation-based economic development. Participants are empowered with success stories, evolving trends, strategic planning, and creative initiatives that help maximize downtown revitalization, small business development, and the rehabilitation of historic properties. Expected attendees include downtown economic development professionals, government staff, elected officials, community leaders, and business and property owners from more than 80 NC towns, as well as exhibitors, presenters, vendors, and sponsors from across the US. For more details read the full press release!